I had such a long wait for this book but I have to say it was most definitely worth it. It was great to see Angela go back to London. It was nice to see her with her family and Louisa oh and little Grace. I loved the scenes with Mark, it was nice to see Angela putting him in his place. In a strange way I actually enjoyed Jenny and Craig's relationship maybe she can stop him being a 'slutbag'. Also I would love to see James and Graham together in the future. I think my favourite part was the date with Alex. The day at the Zoo and then the picnic on the hill. It was so romantic, obviously apart from 'Solene baby gate'. I loved all the ideas for the garden wedding the fairy lights, the flowers, little cupcakes for the wedding cake, I was pretty upset when it didn't work out but I think the real wedding in New York was perfect. How could Angela get married anywhere else? With the NY skyline and that dress! Just perfect. I really hope there's another book, and soon.